Our mission
Our need to have positive impact on the world makes us aspire to create natural and innovative sweets accessible daily.
We still improve our products, using knowledge and experience of our Employeees, and scientific and technical achievements.
Publicly involved and skilfully joining tradition with modernity, we outline our way, we consistently follow.
Due to our skill to create exceptional sweets and charity, we can really do good.
Today, Wawel is a favourite brand of the Poles and one of the oldest companies producing sweets in Poland. Since 1898, we effectively combine a power of tradition with a sense of modern tastes.
We want you to be sure that if you try Wawel sweets, you receive a top quality product. That is why all our products are made with love and care for the finest detail. And they are delicious.
We are proud that for so many years our products have made subsequent generations of Poles feel well. That is why we are continuously expanding our offer, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding sweet fans. But Wawel means not only cult products being produced by us for decades – unconcealed love is today expressed also towards sweets we have created during last several years. They have a common, special place of manufacture – all our products are made in an ultramodern factory neat Krakow, where every day, you can be deluded by a magical, sensuous smell of chocolate.
In Wawel, we believe that pleasure originated by our products, based on Good Ingredients, can initiate small, good deeds, following the rule – If you feel well, you do good! Because if we are in better mood, everything around us is more beautiful and we are more inclined to do good. It’s so simple!
The idea of charity is well rooted in the mission of Wawel brand. We believe that every one of us is good inside, and this good inside us only waits to be released. That is why since 2008 Wawel has been running “Wawel z Rodziną” Foundation, which continues charity activity of the company. The heart of charity activities of our brand is “Z miłości do radości” campaign and its second edition “Serce rośnie”, during which Wawel teaches Poles sensitivity to their neighbourhood and proves that you can wisely help every day.

Certified Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 standard
International standard defining the requirements to be fulfilled by an organisation quality management system. The standard is mainly applied in organisations, which wish to demonstrate their ability to continuously provide goods fulfilling requirements of their customers. Among the main requirements of ISO 9001 standard are introduction of supervision of documentation and written matter, involvement of the management in creating a quality management system, systemising of resources management, establishing of product implementation procedures and systematic measurement of, among others, customer satisfaction, products and procedures.
HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, complementary with Codex Alimentarius, covering development, production and sale of confectionery products.
Rainforest Alliance (premium chocolate bars)
Cocoa from responsible and sustainable crops sourced with care for nature and without exploitation of people.
RSPO Certificate (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil)
Palm oil from crops that do not contribute to the devastation of natural environment sourced while respecting rights of people inhabiting the areas of oil palm cultivation.
IFS Food - International Food Standard
International standard defining the requirements to be fulfilled by an organisation quality management system. The standard is mainly applied in organisations, which wish to demonstrate their ability to continuously provide goods fulfilling requirements of their customers. Among the main requirements of ISO 9001 standard are introduction of supervision of documentation and written matter, involvement of the management in creating a quality management system, systemising of resources management, establishing of product implementation procedures and systematic measurement of, among others, customer satisfaction, products and procedures.